Saturday, August 28, 2010


The only image I think of when I read “Beauty,” is of me love struck during high school. I used to think I was in love. It was beautiful, in a sense, but mostly naïve. I felt like this school girl swooning over the captain of some team that wouldn’t give me the time of day. Eventually, I found closure with myself.

This (the actual post), is an excerpt from a poem I was writing. It’s funny that I seem to still lean towards Athena’s side when in love. It’s almost as if I have this obsession on becoming her embodiment.

I remember it clearly & when I confessed
It felt like I was reciting a summary from my heart.
The written word from my soul was like a Classic
Written a century ago about life’s mysteries.
As words came out of my mouth
I felt every anxiety, every fear & every joy.
The essence taking over my being, and
Although I knew the prophecy of the Oracle
I, like Oedipus tried to run from faith

Intelligence & Love fought one another
Athena in the east
Love in the west
Oh, but love’s superficial skin-deep wounds
did nothing to the strength of thought’s shield

Now you know why I don’t write poetry. (via)

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